Mission Training is Kent’s leading security training academy, providing modern and dynamic frameworks of learning for those wishing to become a professional in the security industry.
About this course
Mission Training provides a comprehensive dog training service for Companies and Individuals Operating Security Patrol Dog and Specialist Search Dog Teams within the Private Sector. On successful completion of a course the Handler will be awarded the relevant HABC Handler Certificate and the NASDU Handler and Dog Team Certificate.

Course Info
Quality Assurance
All Dog Training Courses provided by Mission Training are conducted by our in house Trainer who is an ACPO Qualified Instructor and NASDU Approved to deliver General Purpose plus Explosives and Drugs Search Dog Training Courses.
Our Instructor is licensed to hold, transport and use live training aids for the purpose of training both drugs and explosives search dogs.
Training Ethics
All Dog Training undertaken by Mission Training is conducted humanely using the principles of positive and negative reinforcement. Only approved training equipment is utilised during the training process.
Training is structured so that you not only leave your course as a competent dog handler, but also as one with a thorough understanding of canine learning theory and basic psychology. This element of learning and achievement will allow you to dynamically identify and understand behaviours exhibited by your dog and to implement a training strategy to modify any problems should they occur in the future.
Accommodation, Kenneling and Training Facilities
Mission Training has reserved kenneling facilities and access to a range of training venues all within close proximity to our NASDU INSPECTED training centre in Kent. Additional training sites include live industrial premises, halls of residence, enclosed parkland, commercial vehicle yards and private airfields. If required, Mission Training can arrange accommodation within close proximity of our training centre.
Please view our Terms and Conditions before booking.